

All the information published on our website, i.e.,, is completely correct, and there is no flaw present in it in our understanding. In addition, it is true that for all the published details on our website, we depend on our travel service providers and their official website to ensure that all of this information is correct and updated. Besides this, the travel domain has huge fluctuation and complexity; the fares are subject to regular changes and updates. Tours N Travel Pro holds the right to execute these changes in their website without sending any prior notification and alert in advance to any user.

In case of facing or having any harm, damage, or injury to any of the users because everyone trusted the information highlighted on our website, we are not accountable for the same in any way. The above-given condition is applied on all the links present and if you are re-directing on a third-party website generated from our website.

We are not declaring any assurance about the correctness and aptness of the data on our website. In case of any queries regarding anything you have, you have the alternative of writing us at